CMO Checklist- How to choose the right CVM solution for your bank needs.
Traditional retail banks are in a tough spot with the emergence of digital or neo-banks. Digital adoption among end customers, especially spiked during the pandemic, has provided a superior edge to the digital natives. While some retail banks have en route the digital way to customer engagement, the legacy mindset, infrastructure, and resource limitations make […]

Context-driven Personalisation – the next phase of customer engagement for telcos
The impact that telecommunication companies have on our everyday lives cannot be understated. For example, in a country like India, the world’s second-largest telecommunications market, the industry is said to have enabled 35% of the country’s GDP during the pandemic. From the consumption of content to gaming and browsing, telcos have made a massive contribution […]

Elevate your Campaigns Performance with mViva’s AI/ML Capability
The adoption of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Marketing has revolutionized the way marketers approach business challenges. There is no area where AI and ML cannot play a role in the entire spectrum of Marketing. When machine intelligence through AI/ML is combined with human EQ, marketers can actually approach any business problem from a […]

How telecom operators can choose the right campaign management system
The data-driven mindset has changed how organizations engage with their customers. Given that telecom operators have an abundance of customer data, it is evident that they will rush to use that for various purposes, one of them being customer engagement. The market has saturated for new customer acquisition, so the only way forward is through […]

Decoding the Customer Engagement puzzle for telecom operators
Amazon gets almost 35% of its revenue by engaging its customers through a recommendation engine. Netflix recommendation engine also generates over USD 1 billion per year in revenue. Many businesses have scaled their customer engagement to new heights that transformed into business benefits. But we do not hear a similar success story in telecommunication. Why is it so?

Innovating customer experience through contextual marketing
The digital revolution, fast-tracked by the pandemic, has reshaped the customer’s perception about how they want to be served. Telcos can no longer ignore the need to digitally transform to meet digital-first customers’ discerning, shifting expectations. Product innovation has long been the key focus for telcos to entice new customers, engage the current ones and […]

Micro-segmenting the audience for higher campaign accuracy and ROI
Choices are good, but too many of them can kill the excitement. The same is true for the telecom operators sending hundreds of irrelevant offers to their subscribers only to push them away and possibly to another service provider. Unlike their webscale counterparts, Telcos were a little late to the game of personalisation. Personalisation can […]

Why Contextual Marketing became important for the Telcos during the COVID-19 lockdown?
A telecom subscriber parks his car near Walmart. Immediately he gets a message on his phone which says this: “Thanks for being a loyal customer! You have an unused balance of XXX loyalty points in your account. Use YYY points from those and get 10% discount in Walmart for purchase of up to ZZZ!” Keeping […]

Enhancing customer lifetime value through contextual marketing and loyalty management
Customer Lifecycle Value or CLV is a critical KPI to track for any business. A healthy customer lifetime value is the hallmark of customer-centricity efforts and speaks volumes about the organisation’s focus on customer relationships. The telecom space is rapidly changing with more emphasis on vast digital services. Customers are no longer swayed by unlimited […]

Campaign Management: Need of the Hour for Telcos
In the world of Telecom Marketing, digital-age Campaign Management teams have evolved significantly to highly become performance-oriented with a strong identity of its own. Today, Customer Value Management (CVM) teams are made up of skilled and experienced resources. Dedicated teams are deployed to deliver high-value products and services at the subscriber level and thereby directly impacting Customer Journey. […]